Presentation of business planning.
This week is for presentation of business planning. Each of group must present about their group must present about their group organization, and business plan that will be the activity for the project. For this presentation, every group need make in slide show or so on. In this presentation, each group is present by or more members to explain their business planning.
The presentation begins with wonder-e (my group).Wonder-e was inspiration from Wonder pets Cartoon that mean good team work. Love as our theme and the business plan activity is selling accessory women, dedication Hari Raya delivery and Busana Muslimah competition.
After presentation from Wonder-e, the presentation continues by Star Line group. The theme been chosen by Star Line is education. Their business planning for this business project is DY formatting. Within this project, Star Line wants to teach and help student UUM to format and install the basic of software.
The third presentation is from Kulmiye Corp group. This group chooses care as the theme and selling product from prison. In their presentation, they also show in the class their website for business project.
After Kulmiye Corp group present, DEDI serve Enterprise continue the presentation session. The theme of this group is social entrepreneurship and the motto is “From soul to soul, we let them know”. For the business activity, they are selling Raya Card.
Then, it was continuing by D’CORPSE group that was chose social work as a theme and selling every types of food product. This group also showing their website but it not complete and still in progressing.
Last presentation is present by Entrepreneurship Merge Organization (EMO). But, this group was present in second class for this week because all the material for presentation at the leader and the leader does not attend the class. The theme of this group is social and they sell brooches, scarf and sandals from Thailand. Their supplier is from Thailand because one of their members is from Thailand.
As a conclusion, from all activity and business planning been chose by each group must have meaning. It is not only to making profit from the business but it also for helping people.
14 years ago